Legacy Gifts

A photo of 3 moms and their young children
Your bequest will ensure that vulnerable children and families have somewhere to turn for help
Create a Brighter Future with a Legacy Gift

By including a bequest to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) in your estate plan, you can make a lasting difference for vulnerable families and children in the Holy Land. Your legacy can help sustain crucial humanitarian services and ensure continued support for those in need.

Many supporters have already committed to our Jerusalem Saints Society through their wills, reflecting their dedication to creating positive change. Your bequest can join this vital effort, providing essential resources and hope for a better tomorrow.

Planning your estate today means you can shape a brighter future for the Holy Land. As you consider your legacy, we invite you to include AFEDJ in your plans. This significant gift can have a profound impact for years to come. 

Here is a helpful resource when you are writing or updating your will. If you decide to include AFEDJ in your legacy, please let us know so we can celebrate your generosity and welcome you as a new Jerusalem Saint. 

We’re here to provide guidance and resources as you update your will. For more information about legacy giving, please contact AFEDJ Executive Director Eileen Spencer at espencer@afedj.org or 914.924.9704.

Thank you for considering a legacy that will make a real difference in the Holy Land.