
A screenshot of one AFEDJ newsletters

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July Ahli Hospital Closure: Your Immediate Action Needed

June AFEDJ Visits Jordan

May Be Inspired by Archbishop Hosam Naoum’s Moving Sermon at Christ Church Greenwich

April Livestream Event with Archbishop Hosam

March Suhaila Tarazi Joins AFEDJ at EPN Conference Workshop in Houston

February Heart to Heart from Jerusalem to Gaza in Times of War

January Ahli Hospital Perseveres in Northern Gaza


December Christmas in Beirut; Ahli Operates Alone in Northern Gaza

October Ahli Hospital Tragedy

September Ahli Hospital Update: “We Are Not at War, But We Do Not Have Peace”

August Heart to Heart from Jerusalem to Gaza; Welcome Sarah Schofield-Mansur, New Associate Director of Individual Giving

July Welcome Diana Branton, AFEDJ’s New Director of Marketing and Communications

May Learn first-hand about life in Gaza

April In Gaza we live minute by minute

March We believe that Jesus gave his life in response to others so we follow his ministry

February Archbishop Naoum asks for support for those affected by the earthquake

January Welcome to Bearing Witness: A Journey with Holy Land Christians


December Thank you for your generous hearts

October Inside the gate of Ahli Arab Hospital

September Welcome to Eileen Spencer, AFEDJ’s Executive Director-Elect

August War comes to Gaza without previous notice

July Thank you for bringing healing and hope to Gaza

June Because of your generosity, St. Luke’s Hospital will double the number of major surgeries performed each year

May One year after the war, daily life in Gaza is a living nightmare

April This Eastertide help to heal some of the most vulnerable people in the world

March We move onward into a new day and a more generous and kind world

February Leaders at Ahli Arab Hospital find strength in your faithful and generous support

January In 2021 your extraordinary generosity exceeded any year in AFEDJ’s history


December Thank you for sticking with us and offering a lifeline of hope

November Food vouchers offer a lifeline to families in Beirut

October We are gathered by something called love

September Thank you for not forgetting Gaza

August – Update from Gaza – ‘We feel the soul is still suffering’

July – American Friends responds to economic crisis in Lebanon

June – Amidst the destruction in Gaza, Ahli Arab Hospital offers compassion and care to all

May – Livestream Bishop Hosam Naoum’s installation on May 13

April – Bishop Hosam Naoum talks about what gives him hope

March – Stand with Holy Land Christians this Eastertide

February – “We need a lot of prayers to keep on track!”

January – Your generosity in 2020 set records


December – In 2020 your steady support lifted our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land

November – Generosity transforms lives in Ramallah and Jordan

October – We will continue to extend your good works in our community

September – School leaders adapt in creative ways

August – All Saints Church stands poised to assist its Beirut neighbors

July – Live from the Holy Land

June – Leaders share updates on current conditions

May – Update from Ahli Hospital

April – Remember the most vulnerable

March – Archbishop Dawani asks for prayers and assistance

February – We are the only people doing this outreach work

January – Thank you for making 2019 a year of extraordinary giving

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Summer 2021

Spring 2021

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Spring 2019

Fall 2018

Spring 2018