Browse our video library for recent videos produced by AFEDJ about Diocese of Jerusalem schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities.
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Ahli Arab Hospital partners with Community-Based Organizations to serve vulnerable neighbors in Gaza
Sermon by Archbishop Hosam Naoum in Boston, October 2021
Physics students excel at Christ School in Nazareth (English captions)
Bishop Hosam Naoum on what gives him hope
Holy Land Institute for the Deaf – “Closest thing to heaven on earth.”
Meet Lamar: a hospitality student at ETVTC
A greeting from Saviour’s Episcopal School
Live from Beirut with Archdeacon Imad Zoorob of All Saints Episcopal Church
Live from Nablus, West Bank, with Dr. Walid Kerry and Salwa Khoury of St. Luke’s Hospital
Live from Ramallah with Giovanni Anbar of ETVTC
Live from Gaza: Suhaila Tarazi at Ahli Arab Hospital
Live from Jordan: Dua’a Bisharat at Saviour’s Episcopal School
Live from Jerusalem: Ibrahim Faltas at Jerusalem Princess Basma Center
Bishop Curry calls for support of hospitals in Palestine
Walk with a Child at Holy Land Institute for the Deaf
Christ School media students interview with John Lent of AFEDJ
Conversations at Holy Land Institute for the Deaf – Hatem Al Wishah
Conversations at Holy Land Institute for the Deaf – Fadileh Al Hiary
Palestinian students share their dreams for the future
Three minutes of hope at Christ School in Nazareth
A new ambulance for St. Luke’s Hospital, Nablus
Conversations at Princess Basma Inclusive School – Lara and Aseel
Conversations at Holy Land Institute for the Deaf – Fr. Wadie N. Far
Empowering mothers of special needs kids at Princess Basma Center
Ahli Arab Hospital – Our Ministry in Gaza
“The health situation in Gaza is in deterioration”
Effects of U.S. cuts in aid to Ahli Hospital and Princess Basma Center
Transforming lives of the vulnerable and displaced in the Middle East through support of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and its schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities
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