
“As an Episcopalian, I want to support the healing presence of our church and its institutions for those in need, and give hope for a better future to the people of Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon.”

Lisa Sams, AFEDJ Trustee

A photo of the AFEDJ Trustees in front of the Ahli Arab Hospital
Ahli Arab Hospital Director Suhaila Tarazi takes a number of AFEDJ trustees on a tour of the campus in October 2018
A photo of AFEDJ Trustee The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel
The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel

Fort Lauderdale, FL

A photo of AFEDJ Trustee, Mr. Endicott Peabody
Mr. Endicott Peabody

Scottsdale, AZ

Ms. Holly Boone

Seattle, WA

Ms. Penelope Winder

Potomac, MD

Ms. Joanne T. Blakemore

Charlottesville, VA

Buck Blanchard

Denver, CO

William Cattan

Doha, Qatar

Mr. Donald Crawshaw

Salisbury, CT

AFEDJ Trustee Jane Deland
Ms. Jane Deland

Boston, MA

AFEDJ Trustee Anne Derse
The Rev. Anne E. Derse

Bethesda, MD

The Rt. Rev. Daniel Gutiérrez

Philadelphia, PA

Ms. Elizabeth Keesee Henry

Hendersonville, NC

Mr. Greg N. Herrle

Brookfield, WI

The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple

Durham, NC

A photo of AFEDJ Trustee, Mr. Matthew Johnson
Mr. Matthew Johnson

Oak Park, IL

The Most Rev. Hosam Naoum

Archbishop of Jerusalem

A photo of AFEDJ Trustee, The Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter
The Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter

W. Brattleboro, VT

The Rev. Judy Quick

Waverly, AL

Mr. Suhail Qumri

Niles, IL

Mr. Ron Szabat

Potomac, MD