Pilgrim News

Unafraid and Ready to Heal
December 3, 2018- Posted in Gaza, Healthcare, Palestine, Pilgrim Stories, Pilgrimage, Sermons
Sermon by the Rev. Matthew Dayton-WelchNovember 18, 2018Saint Alban’s Episcopal Church, Newtown SquareMark 13:1-8 As Jesus came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what large stones and what large buildings!” Then Jesus asked him, “Do you see these...

Remember the Boys
November 7, 2018- Posted in Education, Palestine, People, Pilgrim Stories, Pilgrimage, West Bank
by the Rev. Dr. Ann J. Broomell The first time I traveled to Jerusalem was in 2004 with a group of other clergy and spouses. The trip was planned to be a mix of visiting the holy sites and learning some of the life of...

St. George’s School Offers Hope and a Future to Palestinian Young Men
November 4, 2018- Posted in Education, Jerusalem, People, Pilgrim Stories, Pilgrimage
by the Rev. Cn. Nicholas T. Porter Our first morning in Jerusalem began with a visit to St. George’s School. The sprawling school is an integral part of the St. George’s Cathedral Close, and the sound of students announces the arrival of each new day....

The Story is Still Being Written
October 31, 2018- Posted in Disabilities, Jordan, People, Pilgrim Stories, Pilgrimage
by Barbara Boehm I stood at the top of the tall stairs, off to one side, looking down as the students climbed from the playground and garden up to the dining room. In the press of the crowd, one boy had to work very hard—he...

This Beautiful Work Transforms Lives
October 29, 2018- Posted in Disabilities, Jerusalem, Jordan, People, Pilgrim Stories, Pilgrimage
by Lisa Sams As a relatively new member of the AFEDJ Board, the October Board trip to Jordan, Palestine, and Israel was the first time I had seen many of the schools, hospitals and centers for the disabled run by the Episcopal Church in the...

They are not alone
October 18, 2018- Posted in Diocese of Jerusalem, People, Pilgrim Stories, Pilgrimage
by Endicott Peabody A day following my return home to Arizona from Jerusalem, I am pretty jet-lagged and very tired but I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to visit so many schools and hospitals in Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Every humanitarian...