October 15, 2023- Posted in Diocese of Jerusalem, Events, Gaza, Healthcare, Israel, Palestine

In a distressing incident on the 14th of October, 2023, Ahli Arab Hospital’s Diagnostic Cancer Treatment Center in Gaza City was struck by rocket fire. The ensuing strike wrought substantial devastation upon the two uppermost floors of the facility, specifically impacting the Ultrasound and Mammography wards. Tragically, this incident resulted in injuries to four dedicated hospital staff members, who are currently under medical care to address their wounds.

Distinguished as the Crown Jewel of Ahli Hospital, the Diagnostic Center plays a pivotal role in the provision of cancer diagnosis, offering a vital preliminary step toward the implementation of diverse treatment modalities, both within the premises of Ahli Hospital and in collaboration with other healthcare facilities.
In this challenging time, we ask you to maintain your unwavering support and heartfelt prayers for the well-being and safety of the hospital, its resilient staff, and the patients and refugees who seek shelter and care within its walls.
Secure online donations to support Ahli Hospital may be made here or by check to AFEDJ, 25 Old Kings Highway North, Suite 13, Darien, CT, 06820. AFEDJ ensures that 100% of designated funds go directly to the specified institution.
Press Contact: Diana Branton, Director of Communications | American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem | dbranton@afedj.org
ABOUT AFEDJ: Founded in 1988 at the time of the first Intifada, American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) is dedicated to raising financial support for the diocese’s humanitarian ministries – schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities – in Palestine, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon and raising awareness about these powerful examples of Christian Witness in the Holy Land. A nonpolitical, nonsectarian 501(c)3 organization, AFEDJ’s mission is to transform the lives of vulnerable and displaced people in the region. The values of equity, justice, and respect for the dignity of all are at the heart of their efforts. Learn more at www.afedj.org