Live from the Holy Land

Presiding Bishop Curry and Archbishop Hosam Share a Conversation
November 29, 2023- Posted in Diocese of Jerusalem, Events, Gaza, Israel, Live from the Holy Land
Broadcast November 21st, 2023 Watch the conversation between The Most Reverend Hosam Elias Naoum, Archbishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and Primate of Jerusalem and the Middle East, and the Most Reverend Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, moderated...

A conversation with Giovanni Anbar of ETVTC
August 28, 2020- Posted in Live from the Holy Land, Palestine, People, Video, Vocational Education, West Bank
Giovanni Anbar, general director of the Episcopal Technological and Vocational Training Center (ETVTC) in Ramallah, West Bank, talks with John Lent, executive director of American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ), about the mission of the school and current conditions in the West...

A conversation with Suhaila Tarazi of Ahli Arab Hospital
July 10, 2020- Posted in Gaza, Healthcare, Live from the Holy Land, People, Video
Suhaila Tarazi, general director of Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, talks with AFEDJ’s John Lent about the mission of the hospital and current conditions in Gaza. The conversation took place via Zoom on July 9, 2020. Ahli Arab Hospital, the only Christian hospital in...

A conversation with Dua’a Bisharat of Saviour’s School
July 10, 2020- Posted in Education, Jordan, Live from the Holy Land, People, Video
Dua’a Bisharat, principal of Saviour’s Episcopal School in Zarqa, Jordan, talks with AFEDJ’s John Lent about the mission of the school and current conditions in Jordan. The conversation took place via Zoom on July 7, 2020. Saviour’s Episcopal School is a progressive K-12 school in...

A conversation with Ibrahim Faltas of Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre
June 19, 2020- Posted in Disabilities, Education, Jerusalem, Live from the Holy Land, Video
Ibrahim Faltas, general director of the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre (JPBC), talks with AFEDJ’s John Lent about current conditions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and how JPBC has adapted the services it offers amidst the pandemic and economic shutdown. JPBC is an internationally-accredited...