Archbishop Suheil Dawani visits New York to share news of Christian witness in the Middle East
October 7, 2019- Posted in AFEDJ, Diocese of Jerusalem, Jordan, People

The Most Rev. Suheil S. Dawani, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and Archbishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East traveled to New York in early October.
On October 3 about 150 AFEDJ supporters and friends gathered at General Theological Seminary where Dawani spoke moving about current conditions in the Middle East. He highlighted the humanitarian work in the diocese’s schools and hospitals and the crucial role indigenous Christians in the region play as peacemakers and reconcilers.
The Archbishop preached at The Cathedral of St. John the Divine on October 6. At that service, Dawani was installed in the honorary cathedra by Bishop of New York Andy Dietsche.

Dawani said, “My greatest joy comes from visiting the students at our schools around the diocese. We know that our Lord Jesus Christ is at work in these children’s lives, giving them hope for a new future. This is Christianity which makes mission and service a priority. This is what our Lord asks us to do.”
On October 4, Bishop Dawani gathered with the AFEDJ trustees and staff for its fall board meeting to plan for 2020.