Watch the live-stream of Dean Hosam Naoum’s Consecration on June 14
June 3, 2020- Posted in Diocese of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Video
On Sunday, June 14, the Very Rev. Hosam Naoum will be consecrated as the Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

The service will be live-streamed beginning at 4 p.m. local time (9 a.m. EDT and 6 a.m. PDT) from St. George’s Cathedral in East Jerusalem.
Elected by clergy and lay members of the diocese at a special convention in late January, Dean Naoum has served as dean of St. George’s since 2012.
The video window below will go live shortly before the consecration begins.
Prior to becoming dean of St. George’s, he was canon pastor of the Arabic congregation at the cathedral from 2005 to 2012. He was educated at Rhodes University in South Africa and holds masters and doctorate degrees from Virginia Theological Seminary.
In 2021 he will become the diocesan bishop upon the retirement of the Archbishop Suheil Dawani.
“Archbishop Suheil S. Dawani invites “clergy, parishes, institutions, and all believers—to pray for the ministry, witness and mission of the Church, and for our bishop-elect and his family.
“May God pour out His Holy Spirit upon him and enrich him with His grace so that he can continue to serve the Church for the glory of God, the furthering of His kingdom, and the service of all.”
Read a 2016 interview with Dean Hosam by the Anglican Communion News Service.