VA and West Bank churches cultivate long friendship
July 17, 2019- Posted in Healthcare, Palestine, Partners, People, West Bank

A shoutout to our good friends at Grace Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Virginia. They are profiled in this week’s online edition of the PCUSA’s national magazine, Presbyterian Outlook, and also featured in the August print edition.
Grace has nurtured a long-time partnership with St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Nablus, a city in the northern West Bank. When approached late last year to contribute to the fund to buy a critically-needed ambulance for St. Luke’s Hospital in Nablus, the people of Grace did not hesitate to step up in a big way.
“This work is a tribute to how the Holy Spirit takes something and blows it up into something bigger. I think when it comes to ministry to the Palestinian people, it needs to be all hands on deck. We don’t need to get caught up in proprietary ministry.”
— The Rev. Ben Trawick, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church
Read all about it here.