A Year of Crisis: Your Help Can Make a Difference Today

October 7, 2024- Posted in Diocese of Jerusalem, Disabilities, Education, Gaza, Healthcare, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine

One year ago today, the lives of families across the Holy Land were shattered by the onset of the Israel-Hamas war. A year later, the devastation continues. Today, children across Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and beyond wake up facing profound challenges, while parents throughout the region work tirelessly to provide for their families. Yet, even in these difficult times, the strength of their hope endures.

In the midst of this relentless crisis and uncertainty, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem’s schools, hospitals, and centers stand as resolute beacons of care and compassion. But with every passing day, their resources are stretched thin as the need for medical care, education, and humanitarian aid grows more urgent.

This is where you come in. By partnering with AFEDJ, you can ensure these institutions continue to be lifelines for families facing unimaginable hardship. You have the power to bring relief to those who are suffering, to restore hope where it’s flickering.

This is a moment for compassion. This is a moment for action.

Please, make a gift today. Stand with the people of the Holy Land, letting them know that, even in the darkest times, they are not forgotten. Your generosity can change lives.