Advent calendar offers a glimpse into the lives of Holy Land Christians
November 8, 2022- Posted in AFEDJ
There’s no better place to watch and wait for the birth of Jesus than the Holy Land.

Beginning on December 1 the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) will launch its Holy Land Advent calendar to offer a daily glimpse into the lives of Holy Land Christians and the humanitarian ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
Start each day of Advent with a splash of joy by opening a door to a photo or a brief video and news from one of the Episcopal ministries in the region.

During this unsettled time, the AFEDJ Holy Land Advent calendar offers a way for individuals and families to participate in a meaningful daily Advent devotion.
Each day offers a fresh opportunity to learn more about the Christian witness of the current-day followers of Jesus in the place where he was born, lived, and ministered.
Who knows what you’ll discover behind each new door at