AFEDJ’s John Lent returns to the Diocese of Jerusalem after a two-year hiatus
July 22, 2022- Posted in AFEDJ, Diocese of Jerusalem, People

Forging strong relationships with leaders in the Diocese of Jerusalem is vital to carrying out the mission of American Friends. While Zoom is a useful tool that has helped maintain close ties during the pandemic, AFEDJ’s Executive Director was glad to return to Jordan in June to attend the Diocese of Jerusalem Annual Majma gathering and visit diocesan institutions across the region.
In his report to the gathered clergy and lay leaders, he said, “I can say, and I believe Archbishop Hosam will concur, that our partnership has never been stronger. We are operating with a new level of trust and shared purpose. I am grateful that we can be together in person, deepen our relationship, and plan together for the future.”
John visited Jerusalem Princess Basma Center and St. George’s School in East Jerusalem, Christ Church in Nazareth, the Arab Evangelical Episcopal School and the Vocational Training Center in Ramallah, and Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza. He documented progress on major AFEDJ grant-funded projects at several schools and hospitals.
At Ahli Arab Hospital he met with Director Suhaila Tarazi and her team. He said, “They persevere in the midst of the tragedy that is Gaza. Suhaila is very clear that without American Friends financial support, Ahli would not be able to keep its gates open to Gaza’s poorest families. Gaza is struggling to recover from last May’s devastating war. Most of the rubble is cleared away, but rebuilding has not begun. Living conditions in Gaza are appalling and shameful. Ahli’s Christian witness in Gaza has never been more needed.”