Archbishop’s message of hope and resilience inspires Episcopal meeting in Atlanta
March 9, 2022- Posted in Diocese of Jerusalem, Events, People
“As Episcopalians it is in our DNA to be via media, the middle way, as a bridge to bring people together. That voice of moderation is absolutely intrinsic and essential to our ministry in a place where there is so much struggle.” — Archbishop Hosam Naoum
Listen to excerpts of this inspiring conversation below
A keynote conversation between the Very Rev. Dominic Barrington, dean of St. James Cathedral in Chicago, and the Most Rev. Hosam Naoum, archbishop of the Diocese of Jerusalem, was a highlight of the annual conference of the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes, now known as the Episcopal Parish Network, held in Atlanta in late February.

Their conversation covered the impact of the pandemic on the Diocese of Jerusalem’s parishes and humanitarian ministries, the challenges to the Christian community in the Holy Land in light of growing extremism and political conflict, how the centrality of family and community in the Middle East church can guide Christians in the West, and what the diocese’s American friends can do to support the Christian presence in Jerusalem and beyond.
“It’s because of the prayers and support we get from our friends like you that we keep going,” Archbishop Naoum said. “It’s not something I say for the sake of compliment. I really want you to know that you make a huge difference in our lives when you realize and we realize that we are partners and participants in God’s mission for the world, especially in Jerusalem.”