In 2021 your extraordinary generosity exceeded any year in AFEDJ’s history
January 31, 2022- Posted in AFEDJ, Diocese of Jerusalem, Palestine

As another challenging year came to an end, it was clear that the wide community of American Friends have not let the uncertainties of our time prevent you from showing your care for the Christian witness of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.
Your donations enabled AFEDJ to send more than $2.1 million to support the schools and hospitals of the Diocese of Jerusalem last year – more than any year in our history.
Giovanni Anbar, founder and director of the Technological and Vocational Training Center in Ramallah, told us recently, “Thank you so much for all you do for the diocese and specifically for ETVTC. Your continuous love, support, and prayers have changed the future of many people over the years.”
(At right, Aida, a culinary arts student at ETVTC, presents a dessert as a class project.)