Your Support Can Help ETVTC Students Thrive

October 9, 2024- Posted in Education, Palestine, Vocational Education, West Bank

ETVTC celebrates the accomplishments of Culinary Arts and Web Development students as they showcase their skills during exams, September 2024.

As the Episcopal Technological & Vocational Training Center (ETVTC) in Ramallah opens its doors for a new school year, nearly 130 students have begun their journey in Hotel Management, IT, and Mobile Applications Development. In the face of war and political unrest in the West Bank, ETVTC strives to offer a semblance of stability and normalcy—yet, each day, it grows more difficult.

The ongoing conflict has brought immense challenges to these students’ lives, but their determination and hope shine through. ETVTC represents a beacon of possibility, equipping students with the skills and opportunities they need to create better futures. This critical work is only possible through the generosity of AFEDJ donors like you. Thanks to your support, ETVTC has recently completed major renovations, transforming classrooms into modern, inspiring spaces where students can focus on their education and their futures. These safe, welcoming environments are indispensable in giving every student the chance to grow and dream, even as the tension and violence around them increase.

ETVTC has also recently launched new courses in Culinary Arts and Web Design, with over 60 adults enrolled—proof that the demand for vocational education is only growing, despite the turmoil. By building industry partnerships, ETVTC ensures that its vocational students gain real-world, hands-on experience that aligns with market demands, setting them up for meaningful careers.

ETVTC’s mission is clear: to offer hope, opportunity, and stability in a region where those can feel so distant. The challenges these students confront are immense, but with your support, we can equip them with the skills and opportunities they need to overcome the obstacles in their path.

Partner with AFEDJ today to make a lasting difference in the West Bank. In a time of unimaginable hardship, your gift could mean everything to a student at ETVTC, providing hope, stability, and a chance for these students to dream of a brighter future.